The Authentic Leader Workshop (The Leadership Circle)
The Journey Begins
This workshop is a powerful leadership and team development experience that adds value to, and unpacks The Leadership Circle TLCP 360 degree assessment. It engages managers at every level, from start to finish, by remaining interactive, provocative, and fun. In simulated work situations, managers get an opportunity to see which of their behaviors work and which ones are counterproductive. After they catch themselves in the act, they will be able to study their behavioral operating systems under the microscope, and gain insights as to why they behave the way they do.
Dynamic Communication (TTI)
This seminar is designed to help individuals and teams discover the DISC theory and how it affects their personal and/or professional life. The DISC assessment focuses on behavioral styles. With interaction throughout the presentation in addition to thought-provoking self-reflection, this turn-key seminar will help participants:
- Understand themselves
- Recognize, understand and appreciate others
- Adapt their style for effective communication with others
Your Attitude is Showing (TTI)
This workshop is designed to help individuals and teams discover the attitudes and values that distinguish a person’s purpose and direction in life. Participants will gain a true understanding of the importance of motivators in the workplace through group interaction and self-reflection during this turn-key seminar. Participants will leave with an understanding of:
- Their own personal values that drive their actions and decisions
- The driving forces in others’ lives
- How they can adapt to see the world through the same window as those around them
Planning for Change (Hudson Institute)
The Planning for Change workshop is a half-day program that provides a process and tools to help participants understand and work effectively with the powerful patterns of change. Participants are challenged to examine their beliefs about stability and change management, and learn to see and use change as a resource to renew life purpose, balance, and joy. By identifying and appreciating their current position in the change cycle, powerful plans emerge that support individual, team, and organizational goals.
Renewing Teams in Changing Times (Hudson Institute)
The Renewing Teams in Changing Times workshop provides a process and tools to help teams understand a natural and predictable pattern of change. They learn how to evaluate their current environment and take action around choices that support their work goals. The team will define where it is on the Cycle of Renewal and begin to plan a strategy for effectively navigating the terrain. This workshop helps teams discover the best steps to take to achieve their vision of success together.