Coaching and development can seem vague, so we have provided a variety of real life scenarios where coaching has had or could have a positive impact. It is common for people to become overwhelmed in their work roles, be unaware of their true strengths, have difficulty relating to opposite styles and not recognize how they can get in the way of their own success.
- Leader feels overwhelmed—Work with leader to identify her driving values and leadership purpose, prioritize time, and refine the direction for her company.
- Business owner learns a partner will be departing—Coach owner to manage the personal and professional aspects of the departure of a valued partner and to make decisions about the future of the business.
- Busy leader wants to engage and motivate staff members—Help leader to understand individual and team member styles, learn how her behaviors influence staff, and set expectations for the team.
- Investment director has three managers in the midst of conflict—Coach director to learn to embrace the conflict, use intuition and intellect to discern the realities of the situation, challenge beliefs about working with emotions in the workplace, recognize the power of strong relationships, and let go of the belief that intimidation is a good motivator for employee performance.
- Portfolio manager wants to work effectively with analysts on equity team – Work with manager to identify her own leadership style, understand the differences in analyst styles and motivators, communicate portfolio vision and research preferences, give feedback regarding investment decisions, and provide insight into her perspective on economic, market and portfolio themes.
- Analyst team is struggling with Research Director’s micro-management style – Help director to recognize the micro-management behavior, discover his leadership strengths, identify critical roles of his position, understand the difference in analyst styles and motivators, and build stronger relationships with individual analysts.
- Instructor is challenged by supervisor’s abrupt style – Work with supervisor to understand the impact of his style on instructors, identify his leadership strengths, communicate effectively with all instructors, and have a positive impact on the overall program.